Friday, March 19, 2010


Hello and welcome to BuzzMug. I am your host, Michael Munsey. Here I will cover burning issues about software development and related topics.

First a little about myself. I grew up in Pearsiburg, VA. I joined the army shortly after graduating high school. I spent the biggest part of 1991-1996 in Korea. After that I moved to Fort Lewis, WA. I got out of the army in 1999 and went to work for Unisys. I got married in 2002. I finished my bachelor's degree at University of Washington 2004-2006. I started working at Boeing and started grad school in 2006, and completed my master's in 2009.

Currently I am a Systems and Data Analyst at Boeing. My team's application is called Scheduled Maintenance Integrated Task System (SMITS). Our application is split into two major parts. First there is a Java swing application where Boeing maintenance engineers enter maintenance tasks and their required frequencies. Second, we have a web application that allows airlines to customize their own schedule, which may involve bundling tasks (the same way that a car that has a 30,000 mile service), rather than trying to complete each task as it comes due, which could cause the airplane to be out of service frequently.

About the title...I want to create a buzz, and my most important tool is my coffee mug, which helps me to convert coffee into code.